More felting with old sweaters

Now I realise that those of you who live in parts of the world where you have to live underground for six months of the year because it gets so cold may regard the recent UK weather incident as a bit of a non-event, but we’ve been able to talk about nothing else for the past week.

Living in London, it’s rare that I get to witness the meteorological messes that get dumped on other parts of these islands. But even in the city we had six inches of snow, and now a burst water main in our street has led to our cellar (and that of our neighbour) being flooded. ESP spent the weekend lugging buckets of water out into the street, and we wait in vain to hear from Thames Water about when they might send an engineer out.

But life goes on. I’ve been doing some more felting experiments with old sweaters (though frankly I needed every layer I could get my hands on last week!).

Here’s a flat piece mounted on a small canvas.

Here’s a felt cushion.

And here’s a felt vase (with a jar of water inside). I forgot to take a photo of this before felting.

I’m planning to display these on my stand at the Contemporary Textiles Fair in Teddington in a couple of weeks. The theme of the fair this year is ecotextiles, so hopefully this will encourage people to upcycle their old sweaters (and maybe I will get some commissions 😉 ). Come and say hello if you’re planning to visit!


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Flextiles uses shibori, ecoprinting and felting to create original, one-off upcycled pieces. Extending the life of a garment by an extra nine months reduces its environmental impact by 20-30%.

14 thoughts on “More felting with old sweaters”

  1. Sorry to hear about your weather and water traumas. We have tons of snow at our house but we’re used to it. Good luck with the fair. Your use of old sweaters gives a really unique look.

    1. Thanks Avril – would be lovely to see you after so long! If you would like a flyer for 2 for 1 admission, just email me your address and I’ll send you one!

  2. I am interested in knowing the type (material content) of the fabrics you used as backing material for your wonderful pieces. They seem to have felted very well and support the sweater pieces nicely. We have been snowed-in for several days without electrical power and internet. This is a perfect time to do handwork!

    1. Hello Rosalyn,

      I laid out two layers of merino fleece, then put the strips of sweater on top and felted them all together – hope that helps.

      Good luck with your snow-in – hope you thaw out and get power back soon!


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